Welcome to Balaji Tutors academy

With over a decade of experience at Balaji tutors academy, we believe that there is a winner in every student and that it just needs to be identified. We strive endlessly to discover this hidden potential of every student and work with heart and soul to enable every student to achieve his/her goal. We make a concerted effort to make a difference to every single student.

BALAJI Tutors academy is the fastest growing in-home tutoring services in Mumbai. Since our establishment in 2000, our home tutors have helped thousands of students improve their grades, raise their test scores, learn essential study skills, build their academic self-confidence, and reach their full potential through our home tuitions programme.

Expert Home Tutors All Over Mumbai For Home Tuitions

The key to our success is our group of experienced home tutors, who are expert professionals with impeccable credentials and genuine passion for teaching. We are dedicated to providing top-notch learning experience through our home tuitions by our dedicated home tutors in the comfort and security of your own home.Home tuitions are available to students of all ages, Kindergarten through adult, in all core subjects – English, Mathematics, Science, as well as more specialized subjects for high school and university students, such as Calculus, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Let us Help You Find The Best Tutor

Courses Offered by Us

We provide home tuitions/group tuitions for IGCSE/A LEVEL. Our tutors have helped over hundreds of students to improve their grades, raise their test scores, build their academic self-confidence, and reach their full potential.

IB Home Tutors

World class home tuitions provided by result oriented IB tutors with multiple years of expericence with IB Board .

IITians and like available for Pre-Medical/NEET-AIIMS Coaching and for the preparation of IIT JEE Main and Advanced entrance exams across Mumbai,Navi Mumbai and Thane.

Most reputed home, private and group Tutors in Mumbai for HSC, SSC …Read more

Worldclass home tuitions for all subj./exams/boards

Mumbai’s best home tuitions services available for 9 th,10th 11th and 12th standards in all subjects and localities.

ICSE Home Tutors

icse tutors

We specialize in providing Private Tutors for ICSE Board Home Tuitions. We tutor all Subjects of ICSE Board for home tuitions for all grades (Kindergarten to xii). All Our Tutors are Subject Experts who have genuine passion for teaching their subj..

CBSE Home Tutors

cbse home tutors

We are tutoring students for CBSE in various subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Economics, & Accounts . Each tutor is specialized in their field and have a lot of experience in teaching CBSE Curriculum.

Commerce subj. Tutors

Commerce home tuitions

we provide home tutors and online tuitions for class  IX-X Tuition,Class XI-XII Tuition (PUC),BCom Tuition in all commerce Subjects.


Top performance across all areas.
Contact us!

Our Students’ Results Speak for Us!

Course:    Neet

Attempt:  May 2018

Score:      560

Romit Shukla

Course:    Neet

Attempt:  May 2018

Score:      582

Radhika Maniar

Course:    Neet

Attempt:  May 2018

Score:      554

Noren Khan

Course:    Neet

Attempt:  May 2018

Score:      542

Asma Shaikh

Grade:       A Level

School:      Jamnabai Narsee International School

Subjects:   Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Biology

Attempt:   Feb-March 2018

Result:       A* in Maths, Physics & Chemistry

A in Biology

Khushboo Singh

Name : Sachin Sharma

Branch: Civil

College: Universal College

Subjects: Maths 3, Strength of Material (SOM)

Result: Maths 3: 68

Result: SOM: 65

Sachin Sharma

Name : Priti Lomte

Branch: Mechenical

College: Rizvi Engineering College

Subjects: HT, TOM, ICE, MMC

Result: HT: 60

Result: TOM: 65

Result: ICE: 72

Result: MMC: 69

Priti Lomte