BALAJI Tutors academy is the fastest growing in-home tutoring services in Mumbai. Since our establishment in 2000, our tutors have helped thousands of students improve their grades, raise their test scores, learn essential study skills, build their academic self-confidence, and reach their full potential.
The key to our success is our group of experienced tutors, who are expert professionals with impeccable credentials and genuine passion for teaching. We are dedicated to providing top-notch learning experience in the comfort and security of your own home.
We provide dynamic, result oriented Tutoring/Coaching for students of all the reputed schools like American Embassy School, British School,Bombay scottish schools, Aditya Birla World Academy, ,Podar schools,Modern School,DPS Schools, G.D Somani, Ryan International,Jamnabai Narsee School,DAV Schools and all other schools located in Mumbai Metropolitan region,Navi Mumbai,Thane,Kalyan etc